– is the planet making more oil?


We know that oil is formed from prehistoric plants being converted to oil under pressure in the earth’s crust. Is this process still happening, but we’re not able to access new sources due to using current resources too quickly, or is there only a finite amount and we’re going to run out entirely one day?

In: 70

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technically in small amounts yes. But the vast amounts of oil and coal that were created during the Carboniferous era will never be created again.

Fossil fuel creation is much rarer now, because now the vast majority of dead trees and plants are digested by microbes and larger animals, rather than ending up just laying dead all over the place until it gets covered (which happened in the carboniferous).

So, technically yes. But if you are asking if another civilization evolving on Earth 100 million years in the future will have as much fossil fuels as we had, the answer is no. It won’t regenerate.

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