Is the water pressure the same on different planets then the oceans here on earth?


Hello! Question,

Would the water pressure in different oceans on different planets be the same as the oceans here on earth? If yes, please explain and if no please explain as well.

Thank you!

In: 79

6 Answers

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Thinking about different planets, you have several different things to consider.

* Gravity of the planet.
* Weight of atmosphere above the “water”
* Density of the water (and the solutes dissolved in in) since it is unlikely to be pure H2O
* Depth below the surface of that water

You need a temperature / pressure combination that allows liquid water.

**That gives some big picture possibilities**

**Huge planet like Jupiter** but with a rocky surface that allows liquid water at some point near the “surface” would have a huge weight of atmosphere above it. The “water” at this pressure likely has many things dissolved in it (more dense). We might guess at 200X earth’s surface pressure where the atmosphere changes from gas to liquid.

**Small moon like Ceres** would have less atmosphere and less gravity.

The **pressure profile would be much less than earth**.

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