Is their a limit to the power of nuclear weapons


If we want, Can we just keep making the Nuclear device more powerful? Is their a potential limit?

Like for example can we create a bomb 10 giga tons powerful i.e 200 times the power of tsar bomba or 660000 times more powerful than hiroshima bomb or about 0.01% of the estimated power of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs

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8 Answers

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Old school fission bombs had a soft cut off of how effective they could be. After a while they started to get really inefficient in terms of yield vs how much material was used.

Modern thermonuclear weapons on the other hand have no such limitation. They can basically be scaled infinitely with the only limitation being how big of a bomb you can build. Tsar Bomba was basically a proof of concept by the USSR to see if thermonuclear weapons could in fact be made to an absolutely insane scale. The answer was yes, but there where other limiting factors. The bomb was too big to fit on a missile and had to be dropped from a bomber. Not a huge issue except no Soviet bomber could realistically carry the thing. They ended up having to basically cut weight on their biggest bomber and it was barely enough. Even then the pilots still had issues clearing the blast radius.

In short yes you can build really big nuclear weapons, but there are a bunch of other engineering problems that pop up when you start building really big and heavy bombs.

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