is there a higher level than chord sequence?


So, to clarify:
In music there are notes. Multiple notes combined form a chord which serves in conveying certain emotions (like sadness for minor chords). Multiple chords form a sequence that conveys a sense of movement.
I am aware that most songs repeat their chord sequences (like four chord songs).
My question is: Is there a stylistic tool that utilizes sequences of chord progressions, or is there no ‘higher level’ and it’s merely considered a long string of chords?

In: 7

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s [Schenkerian Analysis](, mainly used on European classical music, which among other things traces the large scale chord and melodic patterns of a piece by reducing them to more abstract and abstract levels, ultimately ending at the [Fundamental structure](—or *Ursatz* in German—where every piece basically follows a I-V-I chord pattern at its deepest level accompanied by a 3-2-1 melody. Or so the theory claims.

You might compare it to one of those screenwriting manuals which try and find deeper structural patterns in film stories at various levels, which at the most abstract, simple level might be something like: “1 – An initial situation; 2 – A conflict appears; 3 – The conflict is resolved.”

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