Is there a reason we almost never hear of “great inventors” anymore, but rather the companies and the CEOs said inventions were made under?


Is there a reason we almost never hear of “great inventors” anymore, but rather the companies and the CEOs said inventions were made under?

In: 5024

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many of the “great inventors” of the past made just incremental improvements on existing tech and/or worked with larger teams of assistants and helpers, but had great PR to get the sole credit.

Nowadays for these sort of things the people with the PR teams are the companies they work for not the leader of the research teams.

Another aspect is that all the low hanging fruit nowadays are already taken and what is left is more complex and less likely to be done by a single person.

Nowadays the same sort of people who might have pulled an Edison in the past instead make startups.

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