Is there a reason why we have four “rock” planets lined up followed by four “gas” planets in a row, or is it merely coincidence? 1.00K viewsMarch 20, 2024OtherPlanetary Science Question100.55K March 20, 2024 0 Comments Is there a reason why we have four “rock” planets lined up followed by four “gas” planets in a row, or is it merely coincidence? In: Planetary Science 12 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted March 20, 2024 0 Comments Yes. It’s called the “frost line” and it is the distance from the sun beyond which it is cold enough for gases like hydrogen, helium, methane, etc. will condense and form thick atmospheres like you find in the gas giants. You are viewing 1 out of 12 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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