Is there a scientific difference between male and female waist-to-hip ratio?*


*and if yes, how is it defined?
I found nothing per google so far so I wondered if anyone can help me with this question.

I came to this as I thought about the information that women have wider hips than men by genetics, but the waist? Men are built more “boxy” but there are some men who have wider hips and just small waists so they have a “feminine” look to them (for the torso at least) and some women I saw have, even though skinny, pretty “boxy” bodies as well, still wide hips but also very wide waists.

Is there a distinctive difference in the shape that is measurable?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There certainly is. Because coroners can identify male or female skeletons in the event of decomposition or fires, using the shape and size of the hips.

Males generally have larger waist, smaller hips. It tapers downward.

Females tend to have smaller waist, larger hips. The hips obviously are an evolutionary advantage for child bearing.

But to be clear, this is a general population assessment. Some women have small hips, some men have big hips. And of course rampant obesity also completely throws the waistline situation out of whack

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you can see the difference, you can obviously measure it as well, as it has been done in many studies. How is it defined? You measure the waist, you measure the hip, and divide them. I am not sure if I get the question correctly. There are for instance some studies that correlate low waist to hip ratio with attractivenss in women. Ofcourse there are outliers, when you have billions of samples there ought to be outliers, but in such cases statistics matter.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Women with wider hips have an easier time giving birth. Not that it’s easy anyway, but wider hips means the pelvis can open up a bit further to accommodate a baby passing through them. Men don’t give birth so they don’t need wider hips.