is there a scientific reason not to shower during a thunderstorm?


is there a scientific reason not to shower during a thunderstorm?

In: 7240

69 Answers

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There are three methods lightning might follow into your shower, electrocuting you.

First, it could strike on or near your house, following the wiring in search of ground. This is why computers can fry and light bulbs can pop. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for the ground wire from some outlets to wrap around your copper drain pipes since they’re both conductive and head to the ground. This means it is also possible the electricity could flow from, say, roof to wire to pipe to shower drain to your body.

Second, the course could be more direct. Lightning could strike an exposed pipe, like the sewer gas vent on your roof, and flow directly through the pipes in your home and to the shower drain.

Third, it can indirectly reach your pipes by striking ground nearby your house. It’s possible that lightning could follow sewer or septic pipes up into your house if that’s the path of least resistance as it spreads through ground.

None of these are very likely. You’re probably more likely to just be directly struck while outside. But even very rare events like this can occasionally happen.

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