is there a scientific reason not to shower during a thunderstorm?


is there a scientific reason not to shower during a thunderstorm?

In: 7240

69 Answers

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Getting struck by lightning while in the shower is one of those things that is theoretically possible but extremely unlikely. See most houses have a drain pipe that runs straight to the roof where it vents. This vent allows air into the drain to ensure a smooth flow of wastewater down. Without the vent the water would have to glug like a jug to flow. The vent also serves a secondary purpose of letting out the noxious sewer gas instead of forcing it to seap into our homes.

The drain pipe is either plastic or metal either way your plumbing is interconnected. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that lightning could strike the vent, travel down the pipes and through the water you’re using to shower, electrocuting you. The possibility is heightened for older houses with metal pipes.

But again the possibility is so remote that it’s extremely unlikely. The biggest risk is the power going out and being stuck in a dark slippery bathroom while soaking wet, also wasting what little water pressure you do have remaining.

Edit: TIL water pressure without power isn’t an issue for everyone. All my life I’ve lived in places on well water. It was just expected when the power went out you had enough water pressure for 2 more toilet flushes. Almost everyone I know has a generator to deal with any outage longer than a few hours.

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