is there a scientific reason not to shower during a thunderstorm?


is there a scientific reason not to shower during a thunderstorm?

In: 7240

69 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

[The Claim: Never Bathe or Shower in a Thunderstorm](

> the odds of being harmed this way are extremely minute. But it is not unheard of. Ron Holle, a former meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who tracks lightning injuries, estimates that 10 to 20 people in the United States are shocked annually while bathing, using faucets or handling appliances during storms. “There are a ton of myths about lightning,” he said, “but this is not one of them.”

A database of these incidents is online at [](

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Brazilian showers [the water is in direct contact with electricty]( So we have a very good reason not to shower during a thunderstorm.

Anonymous 0 Comments

[The Claim: Never Bathe or Shower in a Thunderstorm](

> the odds of being harmed this way are extremely minute. But it is not unheard of. Ron Holle, a former meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who tracks lightning injuries, estimates that 10 to 20 people in the United States are shocked annually while bathing, using faucets or handling appliances during storms. “There are a ton of myths about lightning,” he said, “but this is not one of them.”

A database of these incidents is online at [](

Anonymous 0 Comments

[The Claim: Never Bathe or Shower in a Thunderstorm](

> the odds of being harmed this way are extremely minute. But it is not unheard of. Ron Holle, a former meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who tracks lightning injuries, estimates that 10 to 20 people in the United States are shocked annually while bathing, using faucets or handling appliances during storms. “There are a ton of myths about lightning,” he said, “but this is not one of them.”

A database of these incidents is online at [](

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had lightning come through my window and hit the bathtub faucet while I was in the bathroom. It certainly made a believer out of me.

I have large powerlines within 75 feet of my window so I’m pretty sure the lightning hit that and dissipated most of its energy before hitting my tub since there wasn’t any physical damage. Only a cool story that no one would believe anyways.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Brazilian showers [the water is in direct contact with electricty]( So we have a very good reason not to shower during a thunderstorm.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Brazilian showers [the water is in direct contact with electricty]( So we have a very good reason not to shower during a thunderstorm.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had lightning come through my window and hit the bathtub faucet while I was in the bathroom. It certainly made a believer out of me.

I have large powerlines within 75 feet of my window so I’m pretty sure the lightning hit that and dissipated most of its energy before hitting my tub since there wasn’t any physical damage. Only a cool story that no one would believe anyways.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had lightning come through my window and hit the bathtub faucet while I was in the bathroom. It certainly made a believer out of me.

I have large powerlines within 75 feet of my window so I’m pretty sure the lightning hit that and dissipated most of its energy before hitting my tub since there wasn’t any physical damage. Only a cool story that no one would believe anyways.