is there objective criteria that justifies why valuable art is valuable or is such art just valuable because the art world decides it is?


is there objective criteria that justifies why valuable art is valuable or is such art just valuable because the art world decides it is?

In: 8

18 Answers

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It’s mostly auctions and market to decide the value.

But there’s some justice based on: if you can say yes to the following questions, and how big of a yes is, then the value is little.

Can anyone do it?

Can someone do it better?

Had anyone the same idea before?

Isn’t it standing out of the mass?

Is it cheaply made?

Does it comes in many copies (prints, stencils etc)?

Last note, art must be seen first person most of the time. Out of my mind, Dalí and Fontana works got a different value in my mind once I saw them first person. Usually, a picture of art doesn’t capture how incredibly well made it is. And that makes sense. If a 2d picture is enough to give the same sensations, then the art piece has very little to say.

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