A language having a lot of slang can make it difficult
For example one of the things I’ve noticed about people learning English is they learn the sort of technically correct way to say things but oftentimes this is not the way an average civilian typically communicates as we tend to use a lot of slang words and even adopt words from pop culture
Such as how a video of a girl throwing a water bottle down a hallway shouting yeet years ago has throughout the years now been adapted to basically be a word synonymous with throwing something with the intention of throwing it very far. And is even accepted into certain dictionaries now for all intents and purposes it’s become a real word and a lot of people who use it don’t even really remember where it came from anymore. It’s just another word to them
yet most people who are learning to speak English are not going to be taught about this. They’re never going to tell the guy to say that he yeeted The ball down the hallway and instead they would likely teach him to say I have thrown the ball down the hallway with great force. Which is technically true but not really how anyone who’s actually a native would say that
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