Is zero a number or the absence of a number?


I have looked at several different articles/explanations but they either have contradictory statements or they use esoteric language that I cant wrap my head around. pls help

In: Mathematics

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, zero is a number.

First, you have to consider the definition of “number.” In the mathematical sense, numbers are “objects” (fancy way of saying they’re things, just like a fish is a noun-thing and a cloud is a noun-thing). Number-things are just abstract is all, like the concept of “love” is a abstract thing. And number-things represent amounts, quantity, size, etc.

So if you have three dots (. . .) or three m’s (m m m), the “threeness” is the same between them. Three is a thing independent of the m’s and dots.

Zero fits into this idea just fine. It’s the absence of dots ( ) and the absence of m’s ( ). The “zeroness” is the same regardless of what we are talking about. It is still a number. Maybe a special number, but so is pi (it is irrational, not a counting number, etc).

Anonymous 0 Comments

A number can be defined as a quantity or amount. If I have none of something, then the quantity (or number) that I have of it is zero.

Anonymous 0 Comments

0 is a numeral. It denotes in the number it is part of that there is nothing in its place.

For example. The number 40. 4 in that is a numeral denoting that there are four lots of tens and 0 in that is a numeral denoting that there are zero lots of ones.

So, in the number 0 the numeral 0 denotes that there are zero lots of ones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Zero is definitely a number.

When you’re measuring or counting something, zero represents the absence of that thing – but that doesn’t mean that zero itself isn’t a number, it’s actually a very important number!

Almost all of the math we learn in school and use in everyday life and also in banking, science, engineering, and elsewhere all depends on there being a number zero to work with.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes it’s a number. -1 is a number as well. Pi is also a number. I’m not sure how anyone would argue that it isn’t a number. It is just the absence of whatever someone may be counting.