It takes 26 seconds for your skincare to enter your bloodstream. Is this true and if so how?


It takes 26 seconds for your skincare to enter your bloodstream. Is this true and if so how?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly false.

Most all skincare doesn’t penetrate the skin deeply enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream, however some chemicals (like pthalates) become airborne after being applied to the skin and are inhaled, entering the bloodstream that way. Other compounds in skincare *can* be absorbed by the skin, but it’s only those compounds, not the entire beauty product.

So, generally false.

Here’s a good link that describes why:

Anonymous 0 Comments

I do not know what skin care product you are talkin about. Nor do I know of any skincare products that work by putting chemicals into the bloodstream itself.

But of course, there are a lot of chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin. And this takes a little bit of time because the chemical has to physically move through the skin and into the capillaries, where it it has to be pumped around the body. 26 seconds is a very short timeframe for that to happen, but it is possible if you are talkin about very easily absorbed chemicals or chemicals that have help from something like DMSO which increases the rate of absorption.