Jury Trials vs Judge Trials


So what’s the reasoning behind Jury Trials vs Trials where the judge decides everything? What does a Judge do in Jury trials? Why do some countries not have jury trials and all trials are just with a judge or multiple judges?

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15 Answers

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> Why do some countries not have jury trials and all trials are just with a judge or multiple judges?

I am currently reading Lee Kuan Yew’s autobiography, _The Singapore Story._ Lee Kuan Yew was a defense lawyer back when Singapore had jury trials, and he lost faith in juries when he managed to get off defendants who were clearly guilty. He actually mentions the specific case that changed his mind. He was defending some guys against murder charges, and when the jury’s verdict of not guilty came in, both he and the judge knew justice had not been served. The men Lee had defended had gotten away with murder. When Lee subsequently became Prime Minister of Singapore, he reformed the justice system to decide trials by panels of judges instead of juries of randoms.

Not saying whether it is a good or bad system. Just answering your question with a single example.

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