: Krebs Cycle


I’ve been trying to understand this particular cycle. I am studying physiology and currently haven’t been able to make sense of the complete cycle. I made sense of some parts, but if someone could help me make sense of the generalities so that I can later add the complexities and detail,I’d appreciate it enormously. Thanks.

(I’ve even read previous sooooo)

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body stores energy in a way that is easy to save, but not use.

It has multiple methods to convert stored energy into useful forms. Some of these methods you can do at any time (aerobic), while some depend on the first few methods and don’t work well on their own (anaerobic).

When you are using all these energy storage conversion methods, you’re able to use that energy for a strenuous activity. The feeling you get of working so hard and being completely wiped out is when you start using that energy faster than any of these methods can make more of it ready for you.

The more you work out, the more efficient all of this becomes and the longer you can go before getting wiped out.

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