: Lattice planes in a crystal and how these planes reflect light , Bragg’s refection.

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: Lattice planes in a crystal and how these planes reflect light , Bragg’s refection.

In: Physics

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Think of a crystal like a stack of really tiny building blocks, when light shines on this stack, it bounces off the surfaces of these blocks, imagine slicing through this stack with invisible slices, like each slice forms a flat surface like a layer cake so when the light hits these flat surfaces.

so liek in this example the lattice planes would be akin to the flat surfaces formed by the invisible slices cutting through the stack cause these planes represent layers of atoms within the crystal structure similar to how each slice forms a layer in the stack of blocks.

it can bounce around and interfere with itself, sometimes it’s stronger, and other times it makes light weaker so basically bragg’s reflection is like a special way the light bounces off these surfaces, it creates patterns of bright and dark spots