Lattitude & longitude marked in map and how it used?


Lattitude & longitude marked in map and how it used?

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3 Answers

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Take a ball, mark two points opposite each other. Draw a straight line from one to the other(great circle). This is a line of longitude, if you draw more of them and assign each one a number you have a way to describe how far east/west a point on the surface of the ball is.

Set the ball on a table with one of the points touching the table. Draw a circle around the sphere staying a fixed distance above the surface of the table. This is a line of latitude. If you draw more of them and assign each one a number you can describe how far north/south a point on the surface of the ball is.

If you have a mercator projection map, it’s a bit misleading, because in reality all the vertical lines meet at the poles, which translates to an infinite vertical distance in that projection, so you can’t actually see the poles in a mercator projection, they pick some latitude and cut off everything closer to the poles than that.

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