[LAW] Attorney-Client Privilege (when the attorney is the witness). How does it work?


If the prosecutor of a criminal case refuses to charge anyone unless there is a witness who can testify to criminal intent, what happens then if the only witness is the attorney of the suspected perpetrator? Does attorney-client privilege still apply?

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12 Answers

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> Does attorney-client privilege still apply?

it should, otherwise there is no point in having an attorney as your system clearly doesnt respect the rights of the accused.(the one exception one isaware off is if the attorney witnesses you actually commiting the crime).

> what happens then if the only witness is the attorney of the suspected perpetrator?

the prosecution needs to work harder ot build a case worthy of facing trial, most western system give the suspects the assumption of innocence.Until then it woudl be very stupid of them to go ahead with a charge.

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