Law of Increasing Functional Information


Law of Increasing Functional Information

In: 5

4 Answers

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Given that the elements of our material and biological systems are not infinite, we might interprete the proposed law as Combinatorics and Derivative Mathematics – with an intentional focus twist on systemic evolvement.

It seems amazing that we don’t yet have a theorem or law to understand systematic rearrangements based on how functional they are to their own evolvement; instead of merely solving a given system.

It may be too early stages, but I think this could be a promising platform for us to think of our knowledge imperatives in a different way: in terms or progressive evolvement and function, as opposite to hard-solved answers to our problems.

It feels more like “the solution itself is the elected method for the advancement of the system”, instead of “this solves that”.

Tickles the brain in a great way.

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