Learning To Learn


With the advent of AI like ChatGPT being used to trivialize the metrics we use for contemporary scholastic success the conversation has shifted to teaching students instead how to learn.

I don’t think I have ever been taught that but I want to learn. So, how does one learn? Hope its not about reading stamina, because if so I have none.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not about the process of learning but more about giving your brain the best opportunities to learn.

For example, our attitude to making mistakes needs to change, we should realise that you can’t make changes if there’s nothing to change, so some types of mistakes are good. The points to unpack from that is, 1, make an effort to analyse why you failed, and 2 you can only learn from mistakes if you make them, which means _doing_ things. First hand experience is the best teacher.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, reading is really important to the learning process. But it’s also important to put the books down (or close the tab) for a while and *do something*.

Learning is *hard work*, but it can also be immensely satisfying. So get off of Reddit and Go Do It.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It has a lot to do with having the right attitude towards learning, not being afraid to make mistakes, not being afraid to admit you don’t understand something, reading comprehension, etc.

But this is a very bad question for this subreddit. There’s a lot of literature on the subject, go take a look. You can’t expect someone to explain a whole pedagogical field in a comment on reddit, especially not here. This sub is for simplifying specific concepts you don’t understand.

Please come back after you made an effort to understand the concept yourself but you have trouble with something specific. And after you read the rules.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hmm well retaining facts is best done via being well rested, in a room with bright light and very good ventilation, with a small amount of food in you made from whole foods, with plenty of water. This means you are energized and alert.

When you study, take a ten minute break every hour to wander around. Not use a phone, take a break from close looking and go for a walk or something.

After you study, do not use alcohol or drugs and do go to sleep on time which allows your body to move it to long term storage. Studying followed by drug use and sleep deprivation is less valuable.

In general, keep fit, which improves blood flow to the brain, eat well, get enough sleep.

If you need to know something really well, read the material, let it float around then reread it right before testing and your brain will form very strong recall of info for a short period.