Local Pronunciations of Foreign Cities


Why are some global cities pronounced and named differently in their own local languages, and others aren’t?
I just returned from a trip to Italy, and while over there I noticed Rome is Roma, Naples is Napoli, and Milan is Milano (and so on and so forth.) I’ve know this for a while, and it’s reflected in their football teams, as well. But then other cities like Paris remain the same (though with local pronunciations.
Why is this difference, and is there any rhyme or reason as to why certain cities are subject to it and others aren’t?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Foreigners dont have the same language that locals. And dont all the languages have the same sounds. For some languages some sounds are more easy than others.


España is Spain. But the starting “s” is more easy to pronounce to english speakers than “es”. And in Spanish is very hard to do.

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