London’s population in 1900 was around 6 million, where did they all live?!


I’ve seen maps of London at around this time and it is tiny compared to what it is now. Was the population density a lot higher? Did there used to be taller buildings? It seems strange to imagine so many people packed into such a small space. Ty

In: 7459

20 Answers

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A lot of people packed into the East End, and around the Docks. Famillies often had the two parents and ten children living in a four room terraced house. The tallest tenements were about four floors, so were packed tight with people. Imagine the smell and noise. Everybody had coal fires, ships and train hooters all day and night. Knocker-uppers at dawn for work, lamp lighters and workmen singing and whistling wherever they went. Vitually everyone was packed into what is now the North and South Circular road areas. The streets were full of children playing, going too and from school, street vendors, horses, horses dung piled high everywhere, trams, etc. There are a few good films on Youtube that might help you visulage how life was a hundred and twenty years ago.

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