low cost from fruits grown on the other side of the planet


how can fruits grown, harvested, transported on the other side of the world to my local grocery… can cost less than 2$. How is this possible?

In: Earth Science

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Really organized and efficient systems of transportation and…

Prison labor/cheap labor in locations where laws are very loose on how much companies have to pay people, and how much waste they can produce.

Usually those places (the growers) have those laws in place due to governments put in place in wars where other governments (the ones where they sell 2 dollar fruit) helped their government (the ones that grow the 2 dollar fruit) win.

To sum it up. One country helps a group of people in another country who will sell them 2 dollar fruit take control of the other country. Then in return that group of people makes all the people in the country work cheap so they can sell stuff to the country that helped them win.

To sum it even further, rich countries make poor countries fight themselves until someone wins who will sell the rich country fruit as cheap as possible. They can do that because they’re rich.

🤷‍♂️ can’t sugarcoat fruit wars, even in Eli5.

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