making internal combustion engines more efficient


Assuming everything else is equal (vehicle size, weight, driving style, tires), how do you make ICE engines be more fuel efficient? I noticed my dad’s 1996 Nissan Pathfinder V6 consumes 13L/100km (mixed driving) while a newer V6 is 9L/100km. Car manufacturers claim their engines are “more fuel efficient”, how do they accomplish that?

In: 85

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly down to fuel injection. Cylinder shutdown and just the car being better controlled by the computer due to the massive increase in sensors monitoring all the cars systems. For instance while slowing down the computer senses that the wheel speed and engine speed are dropping. instead of slowly dropping to idle it will cut the fuel supply completely so you actually get that bit for free. Also when the engine is less stressed it will shut down a bank of cylinders and basically run on three cylinders because it takes less energy to keep a car at a set speed than it does to accelerate so it doesn’t need them. There are many other things but it’s basically just more monitoring and better computers can reduce wasted fuel that would have been previously used unnecessarily.

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