many mammals can build complex structures by instinct, does humans have instinct? If we don’t have, why? If we have, what is it ?


many mammals can build complex structures by instinct, does humans have instinct? If we don’t have, why? If we have, what is it ?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have many many instincts. Flinching when something is coming to your face, pulling your hand away to prevent it from burning, grabbing your foot when you hit your toe. Pretty much everything is tied to an instinct.

If your guestion is if humans have an instinct to build shelter, yes. That’s why kids like to build playhouses in the woods for example.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We do have instincts and specialize, and as we’ve evolved our specialization opportunities change as we create technology to perform duties that we accomplished by hand previously.

There are pros and cons to this type of mechanical advancement when it comes to individual fulfillment within our society though some would consider all mechanical advancement beneficial without having any downside worth mentioning

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chimpanzees build ground nests to sleep in which may similar to how ancient humans modified their environment to sleep.

Early humans also sought out natural shelters like caves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, for example we instinctively want to drink water when we’re thirsty. The problem is, outside very basic examples like that, it’s hard to tell instincts from learned behaviour in humans. We have very elaborate learning abilities, which is why we see such huge differences in behaviour between human cultures. But all of our cultures have come into contact and influenced each other, so even if some behaviour seems the same across all cultures, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s instinctive. And for practical and ethical reasons, we can’t set up controlled human environments and see how they behave, like we can with mice.