Mass explanation: I’ve always been told that mass was not the same as weight, and that grams are the metric unit of mass. But grams are a measurement of weight, so am I stupid, was it was explained to me wrong, or is science just not make sense?


Mass explanation: I’ve always been told that mass was not the same as weight, and that grams are the metric unit of mass. But grams are a measurement of weight, so am I stupid, was it was explained to me wrong, or is science just not make sense?

In: 140

44 Answers

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Picture this, you want to push forward, with your hands a truck and a bike, which one is easier? The bike is easier because it has less mass than the truck. With the same force you can accelerate it faster.

Weight is related to mass because on earth the gravity is the same for everyone, so we use them interchangeably, but it is technically incorrect, if you take your home scale to mars it will show a different measurement, the thing is in reality your scale measures Newtons (force units) and converts them to equivalent Kg for earth.

Another example would be in space, even though you’re “weightless”, moving a block of 200Kg of steel is still harder that a pen. This concept is actually how astronauts get weighted in space, they hold into a bar that pulls them, if they have more mass the bar will move slower.

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