Mediterranean sea 13 feet lower than 7k years ago?


# I just read an article about a road which was from the Hvar people and built 7,000 years ago. It is under 13 feet of water in the mediterranean sea. Was the mediterranean sea thirteen feet lower 7,000 years ago – or how is it possible that there are 7k old roads under 13 feet of water?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

At the peak of the last ice age so much water had been frozen into Earth’s ice caps that the sea level had dropped *hundreds* of feet.

By 7000 years ago at the very tail end of the ice age much of the glaciated areas had receded and brought the sea levels back up, but not yet to modern levels.

The planet’s coast lines are very dynamic over geologic time scales, the oceans have been considerably higher and considerably lower than they are now depending on the extent of the glacial ice buildup on land.

There’s still an enormous volume of glacier ice over the south pole even today, and a smaller stockpile over Greenland. The oceans have also been much higher than they are today during warm periods.

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