: Mental Health and Gut


: If Gut microbioma is massively involved in parkinson, depression etc like science begins to state , why people who underwent months of antibiotics to treat tuberculosis dont develop these illnesses !?

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4 Answers

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The appendix has a big role to play in this, its job is to keep a ‘back-up’ of your good bacteria. So when something comes through and wipes out your gut bacteria, say antibiotics, or food poisoning and many stops to the toilet; it can just pop the right types back in and you’re good to go. It’s by no means a useless organ. One that’s not necessary to survive, but you need it to thrive.

To change the gut bacteria balance long-term, you need a steady diet change. This allows for the bacteria that thrive on the food type you’re eating to wage war on the other types and win the territory battle for your bowels. This is what’s linked to those diseases mentioned, if you eat a high sugar diet, parkinson’s is more likely due to the bacteria high sugar diets cultivate

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