: Mental Health and Gut


: If Gut microbioma is massively involved in parkinson, depression etc like science begins to state , why people who underwent months of antibiotics to treat tuberculosis dont develop these illnesses !?

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4 Answers

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There are a few reasons:

Firstly, in your example you speak of months of TB treatment. The TB bacteria is relatively uncommon type of bacteria called Mycobacteria. This is mainly due to a unique type of cell wall. TB antibiotics in general are quite selective in targeting mycobacteria because of this unique cell wall, as the mechanisms often target these unique cell well properties. Thus TB treatment would have a smaller effect on the gut microbiome (GMB) than general broad spectrum antibiotics, as mycobacteria aren’t well represented in the GMB.

Secondly, the role of the GMB is only recently being discovered and described. Changes to the GMB *can be* associated with the onset of psychiatric disorders, but it is rarely if ever the sole cause. IMO, a lot more evidnce is required before a direct 1:1 causal relationship can ever be implied between a “bad” GMB and mental illness.

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