Milage on a gas/electric plug-in hybrid vehicle.


Specifically interested in the Volvo XC60 Recharge. According to the window sticker: 36 miles all electric, 63 MPGe, 28 MPG, 3.6gal/100miles.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding how the car sources power?? But can you explain what the milage would be if I drove a single trip that is say 60 miles vs 300 miles mostly highway – assuming the car started fully charged but not plugged in at any time during the trip.

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It means that for the first 36 miles of a standard road trip, you’ll be 100% electric. The engine might turn on for hard acceleration, but most the time it’ll be off. During that time, it’ll be getting the energy equivalent of 63mpg (electric energy is cheaper than gasoline, so it’s a bit of an apples and oranges situation. Ultimately, electric is going to be cheaper for the foreseeable future.). Then, after the battery’s charge is used up over that first 36 miles, it’ll operate like a hybrid car and get an average of 28mpg.