MLM vs Pyramid Scheme vs Ponzi Scheme

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They all sound the same to me!

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14 Answers

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Ponzi scheme: Borrow 100 bucks from A, promising 5% return on investment. Borrow 105 bucks from B, promising 5% return on investment. Use money from B to pay back A, then convince A to make a new, larger investment on the back of your track record. Use that to pay back B. Repeat until the sums of money become big enough, then take the money and run.

Pyramid scheme: Pay money to join the scheme, then get paid a cut of what anyone you recruit pays to join. Money very quickly gets funneled into her upper tiers of the pyramid.

MLM: See pyramid scheme, but you get some form of product to sell for your entry fee, making it legally not a pyramid scheme.

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