I used to have a GBA that didn’t have any brightness, I don’t understand how that works, if you turned of the lights you couldn’t see anything. I also don’t get why isn’t it used in modern devices, like using that technology to make a kindle with a colored screen would be cool and useful.
In: Engineering
GBA screens and modern TN LCD screens operate on the same principles, the difference is that the older Game Boy screens had no backlight. Instead they used a reflective layer that backlit the display from ambient light. Modern LCD screens are usually “LED backlit”, meaning there’s an array of LEDs behind the display that provide light through the image.
The reason we don’t use this type of screen much anymore is that it loses utility in low-light environments, and LED-backlit screens have largely become the *de facto* “base level” screen. Reflective LCD screens might be a bit cheaper, but I don’t know that it would be enough to justify the loss of usefulness.
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