“Money today is worth more than money tomorrow”


I get that the value of money depreciates over time hence why they tell you that the best time to invest is now. But i don’t get how exactly investing now helps you in the future if the cost of living increases with time too anyway. So like let’s say you invested $1000 today and then in the future that’s equivalent to $4250, but then the price of things have also increased so how much richer are you really if you have to spend a lot more in the future anyway?

In: 64

27 Answers

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If you invest $1000 today and in two years it would be equivalent to $4250 then it doesn’t matter because your economy is screwed by hyper inflation

If you invest $1000 today and then in 30 years it has the buying power of $4250(5% inflation) but you got an 8% annual return then you have $10,062 in the bank an effectively doubled your money over time

For reference, $1000 in 1978 would be worth $4126 today about 44 years later so it’s generally a pretty long time scale. Investing $1000 in the S&P 500 in 1976 would get 10 shares that would be worth $37.6k today

If your investment options don’t return more than inflation then you should be more worried about general economic collapse than having less money far into the future

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