Moore’s law


Hi! Can somebody help me understand Moore’s law and its implications? I know it has something to do with microchips but I didn’t really understand it when I searched it up.

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6 Answers

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It’s simply an observation. Moore noticed that transistors would roughly halve in size every year, meaning you could fit twice as many on a chip of a certain size. He predicted that this would continue for another decade. A decade later, he revised the prediction to doubling every two years.

His prediction was mostly accurate for about 40 years. Transistors got smaller and chips got faster. But now transistors are getting so small that they can’t get any smaller. Moore’s Law has effectively been broken.

Calling it Moore’s Law is a misnomer. It’s not a law. There’s no rule that says transistors *have* to get smaller, it’s just a conjecture.

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