Morse code is made up of dots and dashes. How did telegraph operators keep from losing track of where one letter ended and another began?


In the movies, morse code comes through so fast it’s hard to tell a dot from a dash. Hoe did they keep from getting lost?

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24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

During WWII my papa used to do that. He then taught us to use Morse code so we could keep secrets from my grandma . But he would do it so fast we would have to write out what we heard and figure out where one word ended and the next began.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The thing that i haven’t seen anyone mention is that don’t ever go by what you see in movies. If they are doing something not many people understand, for example Morse code, they will do the bare minimum to make it understood what they are doing. They will put zero effort into making it technically accurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Was just watching The Hunt For Red October and was wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking!

Anonymous 0 Comments

My question is, what if the receiver misses the first few dots and dashes for some reason or they’re transmitted before he could start writing , how does he find out the first few letters or words?