musicians electronics

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When I watch professional musicians playing live concerts, they will occasionally fiddle with a box hanging behind their back and with an earpiece. What are those objects, and how are they used?
How is that different from the box strapped to the back of the guitar strap?
When the singer talks into a microphone at the back of the stage, who is he talking to?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A musician will often get a live feed of the music as it’s been processed through the amps and speakers into a headset on their ear. This can help them figure out if they need to be singing louder, playing quieter, etc to get a good balance. They might fiddle with the receiver to change the volume.

If they’re talking to someone backstage, it may be one of any number of support personnel. Sometimes the sound guy in charge of the mix will be backstage and they may need to instruct him on where to balance the mix to make sure nothing is getting drowned out or overbearing. Or it may be just asking someone for something they need, like a water bottle or a backup microphone or anything like that.

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