Nearly everyone says 80’s/90’s fashion/music/etc. are cool. If that’s still the mainstream opinion, how did they go out of fashion at all?


Nearly everyone says 80’s/90’s fashion/music/etc. are cool. If that’s still the mainstream opinion, how did they go out of fashion at all?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The purpose of fashion beyond the ascetic of it is to demonstrate to others that you are socially aware. To those that care about such things, wearing current fashions shows that you have your fingers on the pulse of current trends. It suggest that you probably have high social skills and are well connected. That suggest getting closer to you could hold value. Who’s more likely to get you into an elite club or introduce you to a minor celebrity, someone who looks like they grabbed their clothes straight out of a Paris runway or someone who still wears flannel and jnco jeans from the 90s?

That system doesn’t really work if fashion stays static does it? You don’t really have to have your finger on the pulse of social trends if that trend hasn’t changed for 30 years. It may look cool, but it doesn’t really tell you much about their social skills. The exception to this is when fashion trends eventually loop back around to embrace once again what it once discarded.

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