Necrotic tissue is dead tissue and is no longer viable. It can cause infection or it just serves no purpose even with blood flow within the area. It’s impossible for it to be reversed. Why can’t it be though? What progress have scientists made with that?


Necrotic tissue is dead tissue and is no longer viable. It can cause infection or it just serves no purpose even with blood flow within the area. It’s impossible for it to be reversed. Why can’t it be though? What progress have scientists made with that?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There will be never a progress for reviving necrotic tissue. ‘Dead’ cells degrade and this process is accelerated by enzyms that develop during the degrading process.

Think of the cell as a very small test tube with a complex mixture of many, many different reagents. When the environment in this cell becomes perturbed by external circumstances like heat, cold, less water or to much, or a change of oxygen concentration in blood, just to name a few, those reagents react in a different and almost every time unfavorable (poisonous) way. So the ‘normal’ products won’t be produced and wrong products will be released into the blood circulation and infect other cells to the same effect.

So there’s no way to repair that cell. And if to many cells are dysfunctional the body dies. That’s the reason why burns are so dangerous and big burns are life threatening.

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