Newbie driver here, why do the rpms need to be higher when in low gear? Since its a lower gear shouldnt the rpms be low as well?


My brain cant seem to grasp the concept behind this sorry

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10 Answers

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Engine RPM * Gear Ratio = Wheel RPM

That’s how it works. When we say a “low” gear, the number for the gear ratio is low. A “high” gear has higher number for the ratio. Most people don’t know their exact ratios, but it doesn’t matter. We don’t know wheel speed in RPM either. What matters is the relationship, and how the multiplication works.

If the gear ratio goes down, but wheel speed remains the same, then engine speed must go up to compensate and keep the equation equal. If you don’t, something gives… the engine speeds up and/or the car jerks to slow down.

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