Newtons law of gravity.


Really, like I’m actually five and really slow.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Newton proposed that everything with mass attracts everything else with mass. That force depends on the masses and the distances:

* Twice the mass leads to twice the attraction.
* Doubling the distance between the masses reduces the attraction to a fourth.

With that approach he could explain why things in the Solar System move in the way they do: The planets orbit the Sun, moons orbit their planets. He could also explain the shapes of these orbit (ellipses) for the first time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What goes up must come down.

but seriously, matter in the universe has mass, and two pieces of matter will attract each other. The magnitude of that attraction is dependent on the amount of mass of the two pieces of matter and the distance between the two pieces of matter. Planets, stars, and galaxies, which tend to have a lot of mass, have noticeable gravitational attraction, which we readily experience every day. The magnitude of gravitational attraction between two people, which have relatively small mass, is so small as to be unnoticeable

Anonymous 0 Comments

If two objects have mass m and n. They are attracted by a forced that is equivalent to Gmn/r^2 where G is a constant. That’s all there is to it. So it increases as the mass increases and decreases as the distance decreases.

It doesn’t explain what gravity is which is part of general relativity.