now that the heats coming in when is the best time to turn on your ac for optimal usage before it starts to get to the hottest tempt, once it gets to the hottest temp, or after the hottest temp of the day?


now that the heats coming in when is the best time to turn on your ac for optimal usage before it starts to get to the hottest tempt, once it gets to the hottest temp, or after the hottest temp of the day?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I know it’s going to be a warm day (Minnesota is still getting snow currently) I’ll kick the AC on when the ambient temp is right about the temp I want it to stay at. At that point it’s more so maintaining the temp, more than working hard to bring the overall temp down. I’ll kick it off at night when it starts dipping into the 60s/50s again.

Once it’s consistently warm however, I’ll just let it run until the cold comes back

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