On a smartphone, why is a telephoto camera better than a wide angle with more megapixels?


The new Samsung galaxy phone has a 200MP wide angle camera and a 10MP 10x optical zoom camera. Is it not better to take a picture with the 200MP camera then zoom in on it 10x then get a 20MP picture, than use the 10MP camera? I’m trying to wrap my head around this.

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3 Answers

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A 10x zoom means the width of an object the 10x larger in the image, and the hight gets 10x larger too the result is the area is 10 * 10 = 100 times larger in the images. So 10x digital zoom will only use 1/100 of the pixels, with a 200MP image resulting in a 2MP picture if you do not do any interpolation.

So the 10MP sensor provides 5x the number of for the same object compared to digital zoom because you need to square the zoom factor for the pixel reduction

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