You don’t receive the signal, you change the tuning frequency
Antennas need to be set to a target frequency for best performance, and we do this with some inductors and tiny capacitors
The human body is a physically large but low value capacitor. When you touch the antenna you slightly change the frequency it’s tuned to which can improve the reception of the antenna to a specific signal at a specific frequency. Many things with antennas had a knob that was dialed up close by tuning an adjustable capacitor but unfortunately being close means your body is included in the math while setting the frequency so stepping away changes the value and the antenna is no longer tuned correctly
A person would make a terrible transmitter because you’re not an antenna, you’re just not built right
Antennas essentially produce radio waves by jiggling electricity back and forth in a way that produces a wave in the electromagnetic field, which is your radio signal – just like a splash produces a wave in a pond.
In order to transmit structured radio (i.e an actual signal rather than random noise) you would need something to produce that jiggling of electricity – doing that uniformly would get dangerous to your health rather fast since it’d mess with the electrical processes in your body (like nerve signals). A biological organ to transmit radio would be theoretically possible – but we don’t have one, so we’d need an external power source to do so.
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