P vs NP – how do we/can we know that all P or NP problems are similar?


I’ve fallen down a YouTube/internet rabbit hole of videos on the [P vs NP](https://news.mit.edu/2009/explainer-pnp#:~:text=Roughly%20speaking%2C%20P%20is%20a,actually%20have%20relatively%20easy%20solutions) problem. The content I’ve watched seems to imply that, if it’s finally proven that P = NP, then there will be a common way to solve all NP problems. One of the articles I read said (I’m paraphrasing here) that if P = NP, then there will be a “shortcut” to solve all NP problems.

Examples given of NP problems have varied widely…from figuring out a cure for cancer, to cracking any encryption code known to man, to predicting the weather with 100% accuracy. Those problems are all vastly different, all come from different domains of knowledge/science, and all have radically different solutions.

So if P = NP, how do we know or why do we assume there will be some sort of shortcut that makes solving these problems easier? I totally get that P = NP means that NP problems have a way to make them easier to solve…but that doesn’t mean there’s a universal “key” that magically solves all NP problems in polynomial time. Or…is proving this part of solving the overall assertion?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Within the class of problems known as “NP” there is a class of problems known as “NP-Complete” which essentially have, as part of their definition, the requirement (or consequence) that any one NP-complete problem can be transformed into any other NP-complete problem. So if you have a solution to one of them, then all you have to do is apply that transformation: take an NP-complete problem you don’t have a solution to, transform it into one you do and then apply the solution.

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