Painmeds not stopping all kinds of pain


I broke my plevic bone last Saturday and since then take 20mg of Oxycodon and 4g’s of metamizol natrium per 24h.
I noticed from the beginning, that my hip/plevic area is fairly painfree but for example my hand/ribs still hurt.

So please enlighten me on how this works and how the “different types of pain” get suppressed differently.

Thank y’all in advance!

In: 16

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can get anti-inflammatory medications that work by blocking your body from producing the chemical(s) causing inflammation.

You can get opioids that work by blocking the pain receptors between the body and the brain. Stopping you from feeling the pain. THC also gets into your nerve cells to block pain. The oxycodon is a semi-synthctic opioid so would work on the same lines as these 2

Topical steroids will cause the capillaries in your body to shrink, restricting blood flow and limiting local swelling and pain.

As for metamizole. From the wiki page:

“Its precise mechanism of action is unknown, although it is believed that inhibiting brain and spinal cord prostaglandin (fat-like molecules that are involved in inflammation, pain and fever) synthesis might be involved”

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