Peacekeeping and Use of Force


I keep hearing about peacekeeping and use of force can someone help me what the difference between peacekeeping and use of force is

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Peacekeeping is generally understood as a 3rd party (such as the UN) deploying troops to keep things calm and orderly in a conflict area, either because the conflicting parties don’t trust each other enough to do it themselves or because the local forces lack capacity to keep the peace. Example: the UN peacekeeping mission to Kosovo which keeps the peace between Serbs and their muslim neighbors.

Use of Force is the specific, legal requirements that a soldier, officer of the law, or peacekeeper needs to meet in order to lawfully discharge their weapon or respond to an attack or force compliance with an uncompliant party. Example: In the U.S, police are authorized to use force on someone they legitimately believe is a danger to themselves or others. If you’re waiving a gun around, cops are likely to shoot you if you ignore their demands to put the weapon down. (note that this is just an example, I’m well aware that U.S cops apply force unevenly based on race, class, and other factors).