I’m in the UK. In secondary school (ages 11-18), we have graded results – F, E, D, C, B, A, A\* – for the qualifications you get at 16 and 18.
Batchelors degrees are graded as 1, 2:1, 2:2, 3. They equate to about (respectively) >70%, 60-70%, 50-60%, 40-50%.
I’m constantly confused when watching American TV shows when they talk about school grades etc! The only term I’ve ever heard used in tv is GPA.
How do the scoring systems work in the USA and what scores do they equate to?
In: Other
Some high schools use different grading systems. I went to a “Classical Academy” high school that, having read about UK public schools, sounds similar – instruction in Latin, philosophy, history and other “Classics” sort of subjects. Our grading was on a seven-point scale: 93-100 was an A, 85-92=B, 77-84=C, 69-76=D, and below was a failing score.
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