I’m in the UK. In secondary school (ages 11-18), we have graded results – F, E, D, C, B, A, A\* – for the qualifications you get at 16 and 18.
Batchelors degrees are graded as 1, 2:1, 2:2, 3. They equate to about (respectively) >70%, 60-70%, 50-60%, 40-50%.
I’m constantly confused when watching American TV shows when they talk about school grades etc! The only term I’ve ever heard used in tv is GPA.
How do the scoring systems work in the USA and what scores do they equate to?
In: Other
Grades are usually A, B, C, D, and F. Sometimes E, S, N, F (excellent, satisfactory, not satisfactory, failing). And in college, numbers from 1 to 100 but usually just the top 50 or so.
But grades are also 1st (age 6), 2nd, 3rd, all the way to 12th (age 17-18), meaning what year you are in. So somebody could get A’s in 10th grade.
I have never managed to grasp A-level and O-level though you come across it a lot in reading.
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