poor people have more children, on average. How long has this been true?


Did medieval peasants have more children on average than royalty? Or is this a modern phenomenon?

In: 71

62 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some of the responses below discuss the necessity of labor in farming communities, and that is true. As are responses regarding adult children taking care of parents. But I would assume OP is thinking about things from a contemporary, developed economy where farm labor and cohabitation is less of an issue. This article shares some anecdotes: [https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/](https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/). But some reasons include a lack of career growth to find meaning in one’s life, lack of access to contraception, and lack of education

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